Monday, June 11, 2007

Weird entry

This is unlike any entry I'd blogged, not that I've run out of ideas. Dunno why......been listening to this Worship CD for a few days in a row and then suddenly I'm so drawn into the songs.
Maybe it's his calling for me to go back to church soon, or maybe I've done too many evil things (ahem torturing my kids) so I had better redeem myself. Dunno if hubby is keen to go back with me, maybe can bring the girls for Sunday school (Aricia is still young so will have to wait)

You Laid Aside Your Almighty by Noel Richards
You laid aside Your majesty,
gave up everything for me,
suffered at the hands of those You had created;

You took all my guilt and shame,
when You died and rose again;
now today You reign in heaven and earth exalted.

I really want to worship you my Lord,
You have won my heart and I am Yours for ever and ever I will love You.
You are the only One Who died for me,
gave Your life to set me free,
so I lift my voice to You in adoration.

There Is None Like You by Lenny Leblanc
There is none like You,
No one else can touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long and find:
There is none like You.
There is none like You.

Your mercy flows like a river wide,
And healing comes from Your hands.
Suffering children are safe in Your arms,
There is none like You.

There is none like You,
No one else can touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long and find:
There is none like You.
There is none like You.

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