Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mumbles mumbles

Spelling Tests
Woah! I'm surprised when Suzanna (Jachelle) sms-ed me that she's getting stressed up with the Monday's spelling test. I think Ms Clanna missed out the paper for Athena coz' I didn't get to know what are the words. Now there's spelling test every Mondays. Well, if you asked me if I'm stressed up? I should say a little, but I'll be more stressed up if she can't spell it out for me coz' the words are really simple. Monday's (2nd July) spelling test words : I, am, a, is, me And I had to sign her 听写 book as well. Wow! I didn't know they start them on this in K1 - but I'm happy.... (crazy mother) words are : 上,大,小,下. Simple words..but oh well they gotta start from somewhere.

People looked at me

I was attracting people's attention the wrong way today. Have been taking too much time making Athena's backpack, not much time to do at home anyway.. so decided that I should bring something to sew while waiting for her. Needless to say, I was worried that by sewing with my left hand, I'm going to poke the Indonesian helper next to me. Then everyone who walked past me, looked at me sewing a pathetic strap (bag strap). Suddenly I picture myself years down the road as this :-
Old granny sitting on a rocking chair and knitting away for my grandchildren. *gasp*

Art class

After every art class, the moment I step inside the room... I don't look at her drawing first- but her clothes. I dunno how she can get her clothes dirty when I let her use a , whereas all the other children use an apron, not much coverage, but clothes clean.
No exception today, but I'm surprised that she kept herself clean today. Umm.. let's hope she do this all the time.
Her drawing today. Can you guess what this is?It's a polar bear. And I asked her "how is it that your polar bear is yellow? Dirty bear is it?" Her very defensive reply "no..Mr Lim say can colour either white or yellow." I looked at all her other classmates, all painted white. But what can Mr Lim say? Anything is considered art what?!

Tum-tum-tum *whistles* Tried on a 3 tops (pre-pregnancy) and can wear it now. 2 pieces are a little looser, hopefully it's good news (slim down) and not coz' of elasticity. It took me a long time to slim down this time round, I wouldn't say I'm still satisfied with my weight, I'm targetting the weight prior to preggie with Athena. Fat hope? I don't know, let me try... I thought this time weight lost should be faster since I've to handle two kids, more busy than before. But no..... stubborn fats refuse to go. Will continue to exercise whenever I can and watch what I eat. Since I managed to lose some, I'm sure somehow one day I'll lose to my desired weight. One fine day, gotta dig out my kebaya and try it on..

Why do children love balloons so much??
Why? Especially those helium blown ones. I don't understand....Aricia seems to be more happy with the helium as compared to those balloons on balloon sticks.

Last chance / no peace
Tronged down Orchard to buy things from Robinsons, we have $150 voucher remaining so hubby decided to make use of it today - before the GST increases tomorrow.
Got one older girl who yaks (or rather complain) non-stop from home to Orchard to dinner time to mall to home.
In the car, she was heard saying "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "but I cannot's so bright outside, there's sun outside", "I also want tu-tu (trying to act babyish)
In the mall, "I'm hungry", "I cannot walk....", "I'm hungry", "I want to go ELC", "here no toys".
At restaurant,"I dowan to eat chai-chai", "can daddy please bring me go walk walk around?" "Eeh... it's not sweet, it's sour."
blah blah blah............wah...non-stop yakking

Aricia? Wants bao-bao. She wants to play. Argh! How am I suppose to handle 2 kids all by myself??
Ps. Will update photos of them this week in their blogs and mine later.

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