Monday, May 21, 2007

My 8 month old baby

" Your baby is starting to grasp what it means when someone leaves his sight, the result of a growing understanding of object permanence. An exciting demonstration of this comes the first time he tries to imitate a goodbye wave by twisting his wrist or flapping his hand. Not all 8-month-olds can wave bye-bye, but it's a fun new feat to anticipate. It takes a certain amount of fine-motor coordination to wave in the style of the Queen (or Mom and Dad)."

Aricia did try waving goodbye a couple of times, not that good. But well she did response when I tell her to . Ummm.............. I think my girl listens to me.
Speaking of which, I have this funny thing to share. Just the other day, I was fed up having to keep putting her back in her sitting spot, coz' she kept wanting to crawl away when I was showing her flashcards. I got so mad and said "Aricia! No! No! Aricia naughty naughty! Aricia ....." She sat there stunned; looked at me with her mouth and eyes wide open.

Dunno why hubby's like a stranger to her. Whenever he carries her; she cries. Even when sleeping next to him, she'll scream and cry until I lie down next to her. She'll look at me and touch me; then turn to look at him and turn her back against him.
Thought since she likes to touch and dig my nose; perhaps she's like che-che who needs a soft toy to "molest" and then fall asleep. So, I tried giving her her Eeyore. She flings it away. Give her her bear bear, she flings it away. Give her her che-che's smelly bear; she'll touch awhile and then flings it away.

The thing they say about curly hair is true - bad temper. Aricia is rather a fiery girl, she was seen throwing a tantrum; even fighting back. Wow! Really wonder what's in her little mind that she can fight for her own rights.

Over the weekend, I was told that Aricia was so funny. KZ went to wash the toilet, Aricia followed her in her walker and went to bang the toilet door. Haha!

2 nights ago, Aricia was turning around everywhere on the bed. Somehow she turn and turn; finally she sat up infront of the TV. Guess what she was watching? The stock news?!?! She's going to be a banker! So smart, so small already can watch that. We all had a good laugh.

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