Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Umm... babies are innate genius??

Did this test on Aricia at her bath time today.

I threw in her towel, her finished Latacyd (for bathing) bottle in her bathtub. She was curious to see something new in her bathtub & I only told her once "Aricia, this is towel and this is bottle." She looked at the two items. I then asked her to pick up either towel or bottle and out of 5 times she picked the right item for me. I know there's a 50% probability that she picked it out by luck.... but she had a 100% pass in that?! So I decided to try again by throwing in her rubber duckie and rotated between 3 items and again she passed her tests.

So, is it really genius or sheer good luck?? I don't know... of course all mommies would hope its the former.
Shall try another few times the test.

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