Saturday, March 24, 2007


Have been writing so much about Aricia lately that I kindda neglected on my lao-da.

Today, I'm rather pleased with her performance in her Speech & Drama class. Dominic said that she spoke up alot today, when asked if it was the 'this much' and doing the action; he said "no, she spoke alot & she did very well."
I'm quite surprised coz' she was teary when I brought her in, no thanks to another new gal Janice who suddenly bursts out crying.

A check with Dominic on the book he read for the class :

We were in Compass Point after dropping by in hubby's office, so I tried to borrow the books but don't understand what they meant by "traced". Umm... borrowed other books written by him to see his style of writing.
One other funny book I borrowed is :

The book writes about How To Be a bear; snake; dog etc... and it's really interesting coz' with the book, I get the chance to ask Athena how each animal behaves and eats etc (with her learning things in a different manner).. before I started reading the book. And she was laughing when I mimicked the action of a monkey walking and scratching its armpits. Then she joined me as the little monkey and we were monkeying (ahem scratching.. she then mimicked herself scratching the groin area- sick!) around in the room. Then we mimicked other animals, and this time I asked her to show it to me before we did it together. Hubby thought what had happened in the room coz' animals' sounds were coming from inside.

Another hilarious thing about Athena is that she keeps thinking she's drinking the best milk - coz' we kept complaining that Enfa milks are the most expensive milk. Today, hubby teased her about buying another brand milk formula for her. Only to have her screaming in the supermarket "no!!!!! After I drink this one, I not smart how? I drink this one (started hugging one big can of EnfaKid) I very smart!" Haha! Strangers laughed at her funny remark.

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