Friday, February 2, 2007


On Wednesday, I was talking to Faith's mummy before the lesson starts. She told me that Faith didn't go through Little Notes or Music Wonderland but jumped straight away into YJC. And reason being, she found it's no use since her first 2 children went through. Somehow I did agree with her that the blur me wouldn't know until I go through, but I will let Aricia jump in straight into YJC now that I'm experienced.
She also told me that Yamaha teaches solfege, they don't teach the letters of the keys until much later. But the good thing about our teacher is that, she will do additional by teaching them.
Actually come to think of it, its true... Mom went to learn after me and she was taught solfege (and her solfege is better than me). As for me, I self-memorised/learnt at home (mother never knew I was interested in music until they bought a 2nd hand lao-kok-kok organ from someone & I bugged her to let me learn). By then, I went straight into ESC-Electone Study Course. And for someone who never went through formal music lesson, I actually jumped 2 grades! I often joked to my mom that she has a prodigy (now useless) at home.
However I am pleased that Athena could tell me the letters of all the black keys. "D flat, E flat, G flat etc..." Not the white keys though, just don't ask me why she remembers the black keys. Yah! And now I'm spoiling my keys by putting scotch tapes over it with letters. Sigh! The thing I do for my gal!
Peggy is happy with the improvements by the children in our class, as compared to her Friday's class. Said the children "anyhow kiang kiang the keys. Timing salah! Then the children come to class blur blur; parents also like dunno what's going on."
But I must admit that the children in our class are good, one girl is very good in her solfege; another boy sings so proudly and loud - like an Opera singer. My girl? Good in complaining! "mummy... my hand's tired. So tired leh..... I rest first."
I think the mothers in our class do teach their children at home. So somehow you must agree with me that the environment the children are in denotes the performance of a child.

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