Tuesday, February 6, 2007


After playing hide and seek with Mr Sun , we managed to sun the brown rice. Brown rice are readily available in NTUC Supermarkets but I don't like the idea of the instant brown rice (as I was told) - definitely preservatives inside. Infact, we had a free brown rice from Athena's prize before. I tried and didn't like it. It looks and taste slightly different. Anyway doing DIY is good coz' I have the assurance that it's the right stuff I'm giving her, and also the pao-shen we can go for the better grade. Please don't ask me what are those things that I grind them in, I can only identify the pao-shen; white colour thing and barley.

1 kilo of brown rice gives me this amount
Hard work but I'm happy and satisfied. Okay, so will be able to give her now.

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