Saturday, January 27, 2007

She really..

actually gave my mobile phone number to my neighbour! Still can tell me... until I told her off "how can you give my number to anyone? You cannot give our telephone number to anyone!"

And this neighbour stays directly below us. According to KZ, she came up with a book and a pen in hand - like so ready to take down something to 'book' me. And I'm so fed up with them coz' I've already told them before with regards to the matter..

What happened just before my helper came (sometime in May or June) when I was scrubbing my kitchen floor. A guy came up and asked if I was washing the floor - obvious reason lah! Can't see I'm holding a scrub is it? At that time, we did speak in a nice tone coz' we both needed some understanding from both parties. From what I found out, it's the crack that he has in his ceiling. It's not my business at all. And what I was surprised is that nothing had happened when I used to scrub my kitchen floor once a week. There were no complaints of water seeping through and wetting his cabinets.
At that time, I told him that there's no crack on my flooring - it has to do with some cracks on his ceiling. And did tell him that he has to contact HDB for this matter to 'mend the crack'. Which will be a messy affair. So that there will be no incidences of water seeping. And meanwhile I will try not to scrub my floor.
One month later after that incident, I needed to scrub my floor again (I'm a clean freak) and there was no complaint from them.
Months down the road, 6 months later. I tak-boleh tahan asked my helper to scrub the floor on Wednesday -24th. And Friday the woman came up and asked if we're washing the floor.. said water is seeping through her ceiling now. And didn't sound happy, so my helper said "no! I wash on Wednesday. Today no!" "No, it's not only this week last week you wash the floor right?" That's like pointing a finger at us; accusing us for something we didn't do.
So... then I realised that they didn't even contact HDB to mend the crack. Like I said it's not my bloody business. It's the same scenerio if my 13th floor neighbour scrubs the floor.. water seeps through ceiling it's my problem.
Can't because of the stupid 11th floor neighbour I have to live in a sty condition right?

Then she asked for my number and my helper went to give. She kena scolding from me after that. So what! take my number for what?! I told her after that whoever asks for our number, not to give at all. Best is, to close the main door and don't open the door - also had to warn her about some people resorting to black magic.
Sigh.... what to do?? Give already what can I do?


  1. I thought HDB waterproofs the floor? Your neighbour shld really contact HDB technical officer ASAP- the longer she drags, the worse for both sides. I think if HDB T.O. washes his hands off the matter, both sides have to share costs... not sure if inclusive of cabinet redo (sounds like it's affected?). Maybe if u phone HDB to find out, since neighbour not proactive.

  2. if condo, seems there's no set guideline, may end up in court. :/

  3. They did say it never happened before until the second last time I washed it. And they've observed cracks on their ceilings. Precisely! I dunno what the heck they are delaying time for. Probably it's the rain.. since we didn't wash the floor which they keep pointing finger at.
    Thanks for your advice.
