Thursday, January 18, 2007

Milk wanted

I really envy those who always say they have ample supply of milk for their baby. And then I start wondering why can't I?

Then recently I've heard of some one's daughter having excessive milk. She can be feeding baby on one side and leaking on the other side that she has to use a container to contain the milk. Then it's like never-ending coz' every feed she gets one feed etc.. and she never gets to use the EBM or should I say LBM-Leaking BreastMilk.
My SIL told my mom that her sister also had excess milk.

Then my mom had to start her sentence : "Ah Lily love breastmilk so much that if next time you also have excessive milk + you don't need it, you can help her feed Aricia with it." Thank goodness my SIL was alright with the idea.
Usually people would say things like "I'm breastfeeding and I supplement with formula." I'm just the other way round, I formula feed supplementing with EBMs.

I'm just wondering if there's anything like a Milk Bank here in Singapore. Or perhaps people here are simply selfish, they don't like to share with people (but would want to take), they'd rather discard it away.

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