Friday, January 5, 2007


Looking at herself
Aricia is fascinated when she looks at herself in the mirror. Normally after her shower in the daytime, I let her see herself in our large mirror in the bathroom. Today, I took a mirror when she was on the bed and when she saw herself, she was smiling and after some time started "talking."
PS. Sorry for the funny angle of the camera coz' I had to lie down on the bed with her.

Click here

How she drinks her milk
Aricia has this funny habit when she's drinking milk, thus prolonging her milk feed. As it is, every 2 hours or sometimes 1 1/2 hrs interval is enough to tire me out, she has to drink slowly..
She suckles; talk; suckles; talk; suckles; push the teat out & suck it back ; did it a few times; talk ; like chewing the teat; talk.

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