Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I'm so excited

I don't know if the kids are excited but .. oh boy, I sure am!

In my previous entry, I had mentioned about bringing Athena to KookyArt or GeniusRUs. In the end, I decided a DIY at home. I spoke to Helen about it, since Amanda is not in school now and I can pull Athena out of school (not much studies but revision during school hols) and get the kids together to have fun. She is keen, so we've set a date on the 14th at my home. She's more concerned about me having to take care of 2 kids. I did explain that either way - her home or my home - I am able to handle. If I can't then I'll bring my helper along. So, since it's my home she says it's going to be very messy. I don't know how messy she means..but my mentality is "it can't be that messy right? coz' I've done other cookery arty stuffs with Athena and it wasn't that messy." But even if it is, this clean freak will make sure the place is cleaned up properly after that. Not to worry, afterall my favourite part in any supermarkets is the cleaning aids;fresheners side - I'm sure I have something useful to clean up my place.

I thought it'll be great to have Elizabeth around too but her mummy's like the guai-guai kind won't let child pon-tang school. Never mind, it's not far from my mind. And I shall see how Helen thinks about it.

Today, after the music lesson ends, we were chatting outside (while waiting for the children who are practising for their concert) when Helen said "actually this one is more fun when you have more children around." I jumped at the chance and suggested asking Jenny. When Jenny later overheard our conversation and asked us about it, we shared with her what we were thinking of doing. Yes! Jenny is okay with it. So I'll be having 3 other kids in my home - shouldn't be a problem.

I am looking forward to it as it is a opportunity for me to increase my quality time with Athena , and also an opportunity for Athena to have her friends in her home. But I hope I'll keep my mouth shut and stop nagging at Athena.

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