Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The gingerbread house & me

The gingerbread house and me are just not meant to-be.

The first time I was in Ikea, I didn't even step into the place. Today, I did an enroute while on way to mom's place. Aricia was sleeping soundly in the car, so I thought it'll be easy for me to quickly find the thing and get out of the stupid place.
Yes, she was quite alright initially, slept and then woke up and started looking at the lights above us. Then as I struggle to find my way out while carrying her, and enduring the pain from the blisters that is tearing my skin (wearing new shoes) - Aricia had to cry. I was nearing the Checkouts when she turned even more cranky. I had to rush to make my exit, but then I thought to myself - see where the Swedish Food Hall is. When I saw it, I wanted to make a dash into the place. But my naughty girl didn't permit me to stay, so how am I suppose to go around and find the kit. Suay right?

Dunno if I'll have the chance to go again. Maybe it's a hint that we shouldn't waste our time on it. If I do get it, I hope it's worth it.

Some charming things I read from the website.

Assembling ideas of Anna's gingerbread house
Assembling your gingerbread house
Decorating tips

Beautiful isn't it? Makes you want to build a house, and the fun thing is - you don't have to be young to do it. It'll be a fun way for family bonding.

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