Monday, November 6, 2006

Reviving Part 2

The key to reviving milk supply is to (logically) put baby to breast diligently for every feed.

Although I have mentioned some time last week that I intend to revive. I realized some problems faced :-
1. She latches on correctly but after some time she got tired (I guess) for opening her mouth so big that she’s only sucking the nipple.
2. Haven’t really diligently put her to my breast for every feed. Last week I was busy running around doing own errands; preparing for Athena’s 2 birthday parties.

Perhaps it was wrong and selfish of me to stop feeding her direct, and chose to pump earlier on. I’m not the only person in this world to have C-section, and maybe I’m not the only suay person to have my baby drink every 2 hours. If I had persisted, I wouldn’t even be writing this now (would have been happy like a cow)
Since I was so determined right from the start (even screaming “feed baby with spoon” when I overheard nurses comment on PD’s instructions to give Aricia formula as she’s small when I was still in-out of consciousness) why did I stupidly give up when everything was fine?

It’s only a few weeks I stopped feeding her direct, so ………cross my fingers, I hope this will succeed. If not I may have to give up (sigh). On bright side, at least she drank (Athena didn’t, was on formula on Day 1 onwards) for more than a month.

*cross fingers*

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