Friday, November 3, 2006

Herbs & final bill

Made my way to the medical hall to replenish my 冬虫草 and 燕窝.

I asked the lady how often should I 補 myself. "Every 10 days should suffice", she says. And I'm still so silly brewing herbs every night. And funny thing, despite taking chicken essence everyday ; alternating between red ginseng herb and 泡参冬虫草; D.O.M every night , I don't feel at all heaty. No wonder they say that new mothers can take heaty stuffs.

Funny thing is that she asked me to open my mouth and she said "very good." Feel like telling her "of course lah since you were the one who prescribed herbs since I was pregnant and go through my different confinement period stages with different herbs I must be good!"

Athena's school teachers saw me and said I looked good. Now I can't wait to resume consuming my birdsnest.

I must admit that the herbs did help me alot through both pregnancies; during the confinement period. On the whole, herbs has been part of my life since mom always brewed herbs for us. When I'm older and capable of earning my own salary, I choose to buy myself and 補 myself.
And it proved to be even better after I did the calculations on what mom helped to buy for me during my confinement period.

What made the bulk of the bill was the herbs and not the groceries on my food. It made me look at things on the brighter side (although I was regretting that I didn't hire a confinement nanny) that the amount used = to what I pay for a nanny.

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