Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Was it worth saving the confinement nanny fee$?

As my confinement is coming to an end, I began thinking if it was worth saving the confinement nanny fee.

I have said before that I must ensure that my confinement period is done properly (as do not want to suffer next time), but during these 3 weeks I realised I haven't had much rest as I should have. And I actually fell sick yesterday, at first I thought it was due to haze but then it became clear to me that I was not displaying the symptoms of the haze illness but it was due to stress and lack of rest. Popped in Panadols and fell asleep without drinking my DOM.
My helper currently can only help me with the housework; cooking; boiling longan drink;boiling water for my bath. Other than that, she can't care for a baby. Afterall, she's still a kid herself. She has tried feeding Aricia and changing her diapers but she forgot to burp her and she cleaned the wrong way. So, how can I trust her? She can't bathe Aricia for me, so all I can do is to wait when mom comes by with the groceries to help me bathe her, or hubby to do it on weekends. If not, all I can do is to do a Top & Tail for her, minimizing the contact of water.

Why did I start regretting my initial decision of not wanting a confinement nanny? Like I've mentioned earlier, I found myself not resting. Only able to get a minimum of 1-2hours nap in the afternoon, if I'm lucky. Other than that, I'll be busy feeding her almost every 2 hours; carrying her to sleep(she loved to be carried) and if I'm lucky to be able to put her down to bed to sleep- she'll only be sleeping for less than 30 minutes before she wakes up for her next feed. The vicious cycle goes on, then you can start wondering how I can slot in time for my shower and my pumping. The answer is - I can't! If I'm lucky I'll be pumping while she's sleeping, but before I can finish pumping she starts crying for milk. It's easy for the BMSG counsellor to tell me to pump every 3 hours "do not worry about housework blah blah, all you need to do is to rest when baby is resting and nurse." Yah, sounds easy. I can't pump every 3 hours, I'll be lucky if I can have 4 pumps in 24hours - which is bad coz' it means my body will only supply this amount of milk each time. And ultimately my milk supply will go down. There goes my hope of breastfeeding for at least 6 months. Just in case you're wondering how I can find the time to post a blog.. well an entry will be typed for hours.
The other reason for me to regret my decision and help my hubby save the money is - although my maid helps to cook my food with instructions given by mom. Aometimes I feel it would have been better if my mom did the cooking, I wonder if I've cleared of all the "air" with the ginger I took or if my helper had put enough ginger. Another reason, the amount of water she boils for me to bathe - she do it her way even though mom gave clear instructions. First she boil so little water, then I told her "can you please increase a little water coz' I can't wash my hair", then she adds a little more the next day. The following day mom bought a new herbal bath and thinking it's big pack she went to add even more water. And the water - oh my goash! Enough for me to shower & wash hair twice. It's so crazy!!I don't mind if the water is still little but at least the herbal bath is thicker??! The worst thing that I've just found out. Darn! She actually put a big tablespoon of sugar in my longan drink. Now what's that? We all know that longan is sweet enough and my mom had not asked her to put sugar. So why did she act smart? I had not suspected anything at all thinking that she had put in alot of longans coz' it does taste thick, but mom stole a sip from my drink and found it sweet. So this morning, while KZ was boiling the longan drink; she caught her putting sugar inside. She told her off and then mom was wondering why the longans finished so fast that she has to keep replenishing it. She realised that she put in big heap of longans and she even said "yes, ah ma you say put 4 palms of what i grabbed" My mom didn't say so and moreover my mom said if you based on how much you can grab, do you know that sometimes longans stick together thickly, so today the drink is thicker tomorrow if you happen to grab lesser then it'll be diluted. My life is in her hands!
Another thing that made mom angry was she was so impatient. Mom was explaining to her how to brew the herbs for me on Friday (6th), and she probably thinks that she 'smart' since she helped brew once for me(but different herb) went "yah yah yah ah ma. I know I know I know....." and even sometimes before mom can say anything she'd say this "yes, I know this one is expensive" like trying to suan my mom like that. Anyway back to that incident when mom was explaining to her how to brew the medicine, she kept saying " I know I know..." and then took the herbs from mom's hands and quickly dump inside another plastic bag. Then on Saturday, I was surprised that I did not have anything to drink, I asked her and she said no. I kept insisting that I am supposed to drink everyday and she showed me a plastic bag under the sink "ah ma say this one I cook any time I want.. mom don't have medicine to drink." What I glanced inside was the normal herbal soup mixes where you can buy from supermarket. I called mom and she said I was supposed to drink. So then mom asked to speak to her on the phone, helper kept quiet. I went to see the plastic bag again and was shocked to see my herbs inside. So was she paying attention to my mom and she thought that was for everyone to drink? Come on, everyone else gave birth also huh? Don't be so geh-kiang lah! I was mad at her and told her off for the first time since she was employed. And she cried that night when she realised it was my birthday and she had angered me on that day. Apart from those behaviours she displayed, she is still a great help for household chores. But I think I should have hired a nanny to entirely care for me and baby.

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