Saturday, October 7, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

I always looked forward to birthdays when I was younger - which means I get my chocolate cake and pressies. And then when I hit 21, I was even more excited to "get my key" and actually celebrated it. The following years to come, I always hope nobody reminds me of my birthdays, and kept a low key.

October 7 this year - what does it mean to me? At first I was excited, I wanted Aricia to be born the same day as me, but it's way past my EDD and my obstetrician kindda looked at me and said "no way!" Also good lah! Having gone through what rubbish I uttered when I came out of my consciousness and the pain, better that I'm not suffering now.
It's good I managed to keep a low profile today

Then first sms was from a good friend, Jasmine late last night. And the funny thing she asked was "So, how are you feeling?" I kindda sent her back saying "can't eat; can't go out.. what do you think?" But honestly it didn't matter to me, although I'm beginning to go crazy for being confined at home.Friends then start sending me sms-es, my brother and sister called to wish me. They couldn't smuggle in a cake through the window (as they did one year) since I no longer stay there. And I had a last sms from the girl who sent me the first sms - Jasmine. So comical!

I thought hubby would forget about my birthday this year, because he normally don't buy me pressies (after we got married) but bring me out for s meal. And what more, I'm confined at home and can't eat anything except for confinement food. Athena and hubby went out for lunch nearby. When they got back, Athena excitedly told me "mummy, you got s Happy Birthday cake and daddy buy one yellow flower." That girl can't keep secrets one....... but I didn't have to go outside to see what yellow flower she was referring to, it would be my favourite sunflower. She ran back into th room and brought in the flower. I pretended and asked "who's that flower for? Mummy lah!

We did the cake cutting in the night, with the excited girl eyeing on all the chocolates on the cake and taking the knife- waiting to cut the cake and swinging it about dangerously. She sang and helped to blow out the candles. Even before I finished cutting the cake, she picked up all the chocolates (except one). Kids! They get so excited seeing a cake.

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Anyway, Happy Birthday to myself. I've got a big pressie this year - Aricia (with me suffering as well lah!)


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Happy Birthday~
    I'm Oct baby too!

  2. Thanks. Your birthday falls on the 12th Oct - soon!
    Cheers for the Libras!
