Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Our Photoshoot

We did a photoshoot today,where we had so much fun! Laughing and playing around. Athena keeps thinking today is her Princess shoots, and bragged to her auntie (my SIL) that "I'm going to take Princess photos".
Somehow, the photographer made a trip to an opposite shop to buy a small wing; tiara and wand for her to wear. And she kept saying "I am a Princess, I am a Princess.." Everytime jumping down from the session and running to the mirror to see herself. So cute!

The shots that I can take are snapshots prior to the photography session.

Untied her hair, and they said she look like a doll.
Jennis doing up her hair after the make-up. See how quietly she sits (and her pouty pink lips)
Photographer was testing the lighting and we were just fooling around.
Censored - "the longkang"

Testing the lighting with subject. Athena looking so bored
In between our change of clothes. Took a short break. Here's the little Princess (with her wings) and our helper Zet
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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