Thursday, July 20, 2006

Now it's "The chronicles of an employer"

I have no complaints about my helper so far, only 4th day officially working for us. And I can't expect much from her. I only hope she don't feel I'm torturing her, after showing her how I want my toilets to be scrubbed once a week. And how to do a thorough washing of the car once a week.

. I am guiding her along; running through her duties with her daily.At the rate I'm going -flipping and showing her the schedule that is fixed on our fridge- the paper will turn crumple end of this week. I have never talked so much in my entire life (including the nagging at Athena. I'm so exhausted).

I think everyone will always complain about "helper very slow", I couldn't agree more. Perhaps it's their slow lifestyle in their country, they don't do things fast like us. I did emphasise that next time she has to work faster because now she's only doing a fraction of the job and definitely without a baby around the house will be more smooth-sailing. "Well, you've got rest periods given to you. You work too slow, cannot rest. You work too slow, cannot sleep early."

Communication skills
One thing good about her is her command of English. She understands me most of the time, sometimes I don't know if I spoke too fast or what... I get no response from her. So I'll look at her until she look at me then she realise I was talking to her. She's learning Mandarin so that she can speak to our family members but so far mom has no problem getting her so-called 'broken English' (which I think it's not really that bad) across to her.And you know what? She can understand a little of dialect but just can't speak. Sometimes my mom makes a comment to me, and she responds.Know how we know? Mom was commenting that the guy didn't cut her hair properly. She turned around and said "yah.. no good." And to think that before that I was talking to mom about asking dad to install webcam for me and how I would bring her over in the morning to go marketing with her, while dad comes over etc...
Wau lau eh.............dangerous man! How to talk about her??

How about munching food away??
I have no worries about that. Infact now I notice she hardly touches anything except for the biscuit in the house. And if she wants something she asks me permission, although I did tell her that she can eat anything she wants except for the raw herbs and medicines. Okay, I don't know about next time if she'll eat up all my Haaagen Dazs ice-cream or all my chocolates lugged back from Europe. Whatever it is, I believe in 不能省在食物上.

She is also learning to cook from mom. We shall see how she fair tonight. Wait for my verdict. But one thing good, is (I think) she knows how to select products. (ahem.. better than me-who only opens my mouth to eat)

Her religion
She's a Christian. And I thought she's a laxed one like hubby and me. But she actually say grace and when I asked her about Bible reading. "Mum, I read 5 chapters every night." *gulp**guilty guilty*

Their culture
Wanted to find out more about their culture. It is considered rude to touch a person's head, because it is the "highest" point of the body. It is also considered taboo to touch another's feet, or to point with the foot, because the feet are considered the lowest. And when it comes to food, was happy to know that they like rice noodle. So can you imagine her excitement when on Monday I ordered the Prawn kuay teow for her?? She kept smiling "Myanmar.. like this."

Whatever it is, I don't know if she's in the world of her own or humming to tunes (when ironing clothes), as long as she gets the work done - I'm happy. Now as I'm typing this, she's humming to the "Elmo's Song" tune - all thanks to Athena who always insist on playing these songs everytime we are in the car. Apparently, now she's caught with the tune too!

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