Monday, July 10, 2006

How to relieve heartburn

A few days ago, I had an entry on heartburns. And again, I'm not relieved even with drinking lots of water.

Until, I remembered a Mother & Baby Book I have and flipped to the page.

Presto! God has answered my prayers. Remedies were written down.

1) avoid oily & spicy food (how to? S'poreans like chilli in their food)
2) drink a glass of warm milk before sleep
3) sleep with lots of pillows and elevate the top body higher (like as if I'm not sleeping with lots of pillows already)
4) a cup of camomile or peppermint tea will help

I tried 3) and 4) and infact hubby didn't hear me breathing in deep breathes and I sounded more calm. Most importantly, he didn't see me thumping my chest like Tarzan. I felt so good after that. Hubby gave me one more pillow (it should be the last pillow for me otherwise he'll end up sleeping on the floor) to prep me up.

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