Monday, July 3, 2006

Are parents the best teacher?

A talk with my girlfriend on Friday, has somehow prompted me to write this down and share with people about early home education.

I encouraged my girlfriend and anyone who is a SAHM (even working mothers can do it) to give as much as they can while their child is still young.

Researchers have found that in the first 5 years of a child, brain cells are developing fast. And this would definitely be the best time to give as much stimulation.

I've been trying to give as much as I can to my precious ones. Her class teacher says that Athena is doing better than her classmates. And if this is not something which I should be proud of. I was happy when at less than 18 months, she was able to read out the letters in the clinic. She went " C-L-I-N-I-C-C-L-O-S-E-D-P-U-B-L..H-O-L-I... etc... But you know what shocked me?? She was reading the words from the inside of the clinic- in other words the words that she's reading is the opposite side. How was she able to decipher it at her age?? It's really amazing. Kids absorb things fast when you think they're not listening.
Last Friday I was talking to my girlfriend about me asking my girl her 2X tables, she went "1x2 is 2, 2x2 is 4, 3x2 is what huh?" Well, you won't expect her to remember it afterall I only played the CD a few times.
Last night she surprised me when I asked her, she was able to answer me correctly - all the way to 6x2 is 12. She gave me correct answer not just once but thrice. Amazing!!

Why would I say that parents are the best teachers?
- they know their child better
- they know when to catch their attention better
- teach according to the pace of the child

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