Friday, April 14, 2006

Dunno to say she's stupid or what??

Girl made me real mad late in the evening. Told her nicely to keep the cushions that she had brought down on the floor. I gave her alot of chances and was already fuming mad when I brought out the cane.
Started counting " Mummy is going to count to 10. You better pick everything up from the floor"
M : 1, 2.........why are you standing there? 1, 2.......... (did a few delays by interrupting my counting with my nagging and start counting all over again)
M : (after some time) 5, 6, 7 (pause)
A : (looked at me, about to start smiling and show off she knows something) 8
M : Then what comes after 8?
A : 9, 10 (smile)
M : (whack!)
A : Arrr..........(starting crying)
M : You want to help mummy count? Do it faster this time and I'll whack you again.

Sigh.............dunno to say she's stupid or what? Probably she thought I was stupid as I kept repeating the numbers.

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