Monday, April 17, 2006

Chanced upon this tape -thought I had deleted it away

These are a few videos of our Europe trip last January.

The main idea of sharing the videos is not to show off, but to show my friends and readers how my little girl behaves when we're out on holiday.

My girl always gets alot of attention from strangers in Singapore and overseas. They say she's a cute girl.. (ahem. thanks to mummy genes. Hee!Hee!) . When we're overseas in any country, strangers like to play with her; touch her say she's pretty and cute. What makes people stop to look at her is the way she attracts peoples' attention.

You see, my girl seems to inherit this from me. Mom says when I was a little girl, I'd stop and dance whenever I hear music in the shopping mall. And many people got to know my mom from there as "the girl's mummy who always loved dancing". In this video taken in Vienna, she was dancing to the music of a busker. Click here People walking would look and smile at her, and we'll smile back. No doubt, it's through her that we usually have conversations with strangers in malls; streets; trains etc... It makes our holiday very interesting.

Another thing she seems to inherit from me is her friendliness. But I don't think I was as brave as her to run around without worries of being kidnapped by strangers. She's not worried! She runs around, plays with other kids. What's most interesting is that, kids will speak in their foreign language and she'll speak English and they seem to understand one another. Strange... not to mention, I've had alot of snapshots of her playing with other kids. Maybe one day when she's older, I should do a posting in every country that we've visited and asked the children to come forward to say ''Hello"again. Here is her playing with a girl in a subway station

It's amazing when I look back at all our holiday videos, I see the little girl growing up.

Grocery shopping Watch this and try to listen to what she's telling her daddy. Her words were not as clear and accentuated as now.

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