Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Please vote for my girl

Dear friends and readers,

I hope to get your support for my girl in the Cutest Kid Contest.


1. Click here or go to http://www.tangerined.com/KZ_talent/WhatsOn/CutestKID_Dec_2003.htm

2. Click on her picture - second from left - the girl wearing a pink and black dress and holding a teddy bear (Athena)

3. It will lead you to your own email connection, click send. If you are using web-based accounts eg. yahoo, hotmail, gmail, aol etc.. you can also vote for her at cutestkid@tangerined.com
You only need to write Athena'03-bb8- in the subject, there is no need to type anything in the text section.

4. Thank you very much. Much appreciated.

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