Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm stuck here.

I'm stuck here in Tampines as I needed to bring up my girl's flashcards for her lessons tonight, not that my mom was yakking with me but they're doing the cement plaster. Which means... I'll be stuck here for the next one hour plus or so. Sigh...................might as well take the time to update on my blogs. Argh!! Everybody start praying for me, I did not put parking coupon.
Wanted to go gym today, looks like all plans twarted. Will have to stay longer tomorrow. Will probably take the time to wash the car(better wear nicer otherwise kena called Auntie again); quick sweep/mop and emails. So far nothing much today but I think things will start to pop up. Maybe I should take the time to tidy up the storeroom?? It's always good whenever the girl is not around at home, I can do the household stuffs in peace.

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