Saturday, June 29, 2024

Fixed !

Yay! I finally fixed the broken wheel after such a long time as at today.

21st June (Friday)
22 days after I returned. Actually quite long hor! I’m still in holiday mood. Kept forgetting about the luggage until I walk to the yard and see the luggage there. Then wanted to order, distracted again until the next time I’m reminded of it again when I see it. 

Decided to drag the luggage bag out to remove the wheels to find the suitable fit

Took pic of this to make a better comparison 

Noticed there’s a 1 and 3. Not sure what’s the difference so messaged seller on 21st night. They look the same to me but not sure if anyone can trust this cock-eye me or not. 
Placed order on 22nd after I read the message from seller in the morning 

$36.80 for 2 wheels. Last replacement of Che-che’s 4 wheels in the service centre last July cost $150?! And I only needed to change one but they convinced me to change all 4 so can balance. What shit lah! I kena conned lor! 

Reason why I didn’t want to send this year 

1) they will convince me to change all 4 for lil’ one’s luggage. Lil one luggage probably destroyed by us when we had to drag luggages up and down 2 flight of stairs in Boston 😂. 

2) expensive

3) parking is a problem not once but twice. One time for drop off; another time for pickup. 

Fixed on 26th June. I’m so proud of myself tho I was complaining and replying to myself the whole time I was trying to screw in and struggled with the luggage inner lining in my way. 

Lil’ one’s bag not so obvious coz it’s silver plated just like the original. 

Che-che’s one sticks out like a sore thumb. But who cares.. I hope I don’t have a falling wheel in the train station again. 
Heng ….didnt throw the old inner part away coz the seller only sold the wheels. I mean I didn’t know if it was meant to be a default extra piece that will come together or not. Imagine if I HAD thrown it away 😱

This is the part which I kept it aside. Imagine if the kee-siao suddenly feel like decluttering me threw it away. I needed to put this inside Che-che’s luggage and screw the wheels on.

(cynical remark) Thank you huh JetBlue for delaying my luggage and destroying my luggage wheel 

Now ready to use the luggage again for next trip 

Friday, June 28, 2024


Since I used Ms Thermie today, decided to boil the chestnut drink as well. 

@ 1.16pm - So worried that the hard sugar cane will spoil the blades😥

@ 2.16pm - DONE! Hassle free, no spillage. Can leave this to boil while I kiao-ka on sofa emailing teacher. 

Drink is nice and I didn’t even add sugar at all. #healthyliving# #fakehealthyliving# #needtofinishmyoperacake# 😜

This is what I bought for $7.90. 
I have lots of honey dates at home and some sugar cane, maybe next time I can DIY on my own? 

Now really feel like buying a small dehydrator at home and 自己在家做小药方.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Missing Boston!

Aw… both Chicago and Boston were new places I went and I totally fell in love with Boston. 

I want to go back !!!! 

Then this showed up in my Instagram…make me miss Boston even more.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Thermie - soy milk

3rd attempt soy milk

@ 12.23pm - soaked beans the night before and time to start work after household chores done

@ 1.36pm 
Squeezed out and what to do with the pulp. Made me think I wasted money buying okura powder last time and never baked anything with it. 
So next time if want to make something must have a plan to do everything all at one go. Quite unlikely coz I’m lazy and will end up throwing away the pulp 

@ 2.20pm - cooled down and transferred. soy milk with lakanto 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bag for repair

Since mom is at TP, I decided to bring che-che out for a meal after my class. And where else would she want to go when she tags along? Ngee Ann City. 

Walked past LV shop then I remembered that I have been wanting to send my bag for repairs. Walked into the boutique in my sloppy gym wear and che-che in her shirt and short co-ordinate + shark slipper. Muahaha! I’m sure we attracted looks. 

Spoke to the staff and then I remembered the long strap is fake and quickly removed it. Oops!! I’m not going to spend $500++ for the strap when I can get one from Taobao very cheap.  

Heng ah. I have my Shupatto bag inside so emptied the contents into the Japanese bag. Ahh….this matchy matchy what I’m wearing. 

Craving wanton noodles

 When I had a sudden craving for crystal jade’s wanton 

Ahh….now I know the brand of 辣椒油 they use 

By the time I had my food, it was all cold and no way to re-heat. Ahh…don’t care already 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Amazon shopping

Was looking at Amazon after purchasing my MAC perfume and kinda tempted to get the laundry pods che-che used. It’s so nice smelling. It was a battle between : combine vpost now OR need to clear the too many things in the messy bomb shelter.

Maybe I will consider getting this once I 用完my KA pods? How long will it take me? I have no idea coz I do rotate between capsule pods and powder detergent. 

An old entry on the laundry pods. CLICK HERE

Oh no! I just remembered! I went crazy shopping for the Laundrin Sakura softener in all Donki I go to. The stock I have maybe can last me for slightly more than 2years?? 🤣Blogged about this in March. I bought more refill in the weeks after that so it’s not shown in the picture. 

Definitely will be some time before I can get the pods. 

* link to another earlier blog entry on laundry pods 

Monday, June 10, 2024

What’s with my obsession with 香水?


Only at our second stop to Kiehls (first being in Boston. Second stop in this original apothecary at the corner of 13th St and 3rd Ave.) did I notice this edt. Do they have this in SIN? 

My pic is the side view as I was crossing the road

With aromas of Bergamot Nectar, Orange Blossom and – of course – Musk, our signature scent is a soft, aromatic scent for both men and women. Believed to have been created in the 1920s, our iconic “Love Oil” was reintroduced to our customers in 1963. Kiehl’s Musk Eau de Toilette Spray is a modern take on our signature Musk fragrance.

I found out days later after arrival in SIN that it’s sold here as well, but at S$150!!!! I paid only US$48 (approx S$65) 

MAC Cosmetics - Turquatic

Next is this sampler piece of paper which I left aside in my folder. I haven’t seen this for a very long time, where I used to see them in magazines. 

Didn’t notice this was slipped into the paper bag and only saw and smell it until we got back home. I’ve never seen this before, maybe it’s new. 

Woah! I love the smell. 
A classic sea-inspired fragrance with notes of anemone, lotus, orris, cottonwood, mineral water and Corsican blue cedar 

whatever smell anemone and orris (wth is that?!) gives out definitely smells nice. 😜

Found out more info about this perfume. Apparently it was launched in 2005 and then re-released in 2011. What?! Checked and not available locally. So immediately went into mac online and placed my order. Of course I went for the bigger bottle. For some reason I don’t understand why the bigger bottle is also cheaper than the smaller bottle. ???

I’m still using my Chanel Allure. Have an unopened Bvlgari Green Tea and now two more new fragrances. I think can last me for the next 5years 🤭. So now will wait for my new perfume. 

* edited on 16th August 
Apparently after it was sent to Vpost warehouse I was informed that I can’t send it to SIN. Oh my! I totally forgot I couldn’t courier back my nail polish. My goodness! 
First thing we did was to check with one of Che-che’s friend (Jeannie) if she could help bring back for me. Then I’ll do a redirect delivery to her. But she messaged few days later that her bag is maxed out as she had to bring some textbooks home. 
I could also do a returns. Being careful (not that careful enough tho’ to remember prohibited international delivery items 🤪), I double checked with both Vpost and MAC how is returns done. Dropped them emails and there I am reminded of how inefficient Americans work, nobody replied me, then dropped message in their webpage ‘contact us’. After the first message to both places got thru, I’m dealt with some idiots who keep repeating the same thing, as if they copied and paste their replies to all. I even wrote in simple english “do you send someone to collect the returns item?” , “do you help to drop the return item to the nearest postal office?” 他妈的! They keep repeating the same standard reply which can be found in their website which is not clear obviously that’s why I had to ask. Now I wonder apart from their inefficiency, there is something wrong with their language proficiency? Oh yah! I forgot the Americans don’t speak English. 真的会被他们气死😡!No wonder che-che refuse to find a job there. After all the ding ding dong dong, I learnt that MAC expects people to drop the returns to nearest postal office but VPost expects the merchant or somebody to come and collect from them. Ahhh….. the lazy Americans! If we say that we do a lot of taichi from one department to another in Singapore, theirs is worst! Well, at least my American friends are smart efficient people.
In conclusion, returns is out. I will probably need to just learn an expensive lesson. Until I remembered JL is going to Chicago. Asked them if they can help, I got her Uni hostel address after a  few weeks on 16th July. She informed me timely as 17th would be the last day of free storage in their warehouse 🤣. I would have paid for extra storage after 18th even if she replied late. Anyway, did the re-direction on 17th, $38 poorer but no choice - I’ll have to pay a price for my dumb mistake.

On 22nd July @ 6.35pm (SIN) received email that its OTW. Yay! 🎉 . My parcel arrived Vpost on 17th June, 17th July I redirected the parcel

They even sent a photo of my parcel sent  to the office. So many parcels on the table, I had no idea which is mine. I am speechless. 

S arranged to meet up after JL returned. Collected this from her on 16th Aug. Really so 感恩 for their help. 

I wrote about their inefficiency in this post, it has got to do with something that happened during my May’s US trip. Blog entry is still in Draft mode. Aunty is going to write a period storyline with the sword fighting so it’s taking me a long time to get it posted. I’ll link back when I’m done.